by Doing Me Doing You Studio


A free and virtual event, MAX features live and on-demand content, including more than 400+ sessions, labs, keynotes, musical performances, special guest appearances, and a sneak peek at things being worked on in Adobe labs.

Each year they navigate the future of design, including how you can be an active participant. Attendees are offered an opportunity to evolve their practice through an elevated way of thinking. From professional insights and advice to anecdotes of self-care and growth, this experience is designed to help you find your path, expand your mind and learn from those who came before you.

︎Brisbane, Australia

Design Indaba inspires and empowers people to create a better future through design and creativity. They are an online publication with an annual festival and social impact, Do Tank.

︎Cape Town, SA

One of the platforms from It's Nice That. Talks given one Tuesday of every month. A wealth of inspiration from some of the best creatives working today.

︎United Kingdom

Semi Permanent festival of creativity and design is a live and digital experience where a multidisciplinary line up of global leaders in design, business and creativity teach you new ways of thinking. Sometimes serious, often fun, never boring.

︎ Australia, New Zealand
